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Q: Is Clinical Guardian Secure?

A: Yes, data is encrypted at rest and in transit. Login is via secure credentials. Role based access controls who can see which features and data. Hosting is at a secure UK facility with ISO 27001 certification. AHS meets the standard required for the DSP Toolkit (8JQ68)

Q: Is Clinical Guardian GDPR compliant?

A: Yes. The steps we take are documented in our Information Governance Management System, which is provided as part of the contract.

Q: Who does the auditing?

A: Clinical Guardian is a tool to be used by the Healthcare providers own clinical governance team.

Q: Can I export my case reviews for my annual appraisal?

A: Yes, a tool is provided to help you export the data you need.

Q: Do we get charged per audit?

A: No, the subscription is based on the patient population, so you can run as many standard and special audits as you want.

Q: Can we create our own audits?

A: Yes, tools are provided to let you created special audits to focus on the things you are particularly interested in.